Arriving in Sydney, Nova Scotia
The loudspeaker announcement signaled it was time to descend from my comfortable berth, to the car deck and prepare to disembark. I looked out my window and those beautiful blue skies of Port Aux Basque were no more, they were replaced by gray clouds and rain.
I had planned to spend my first day in Cape Breton because when I lived in Nova Scotia, we had visited several times and loved it. The scenery is fabulous, if - you - can - see - it. But it was dreary, damp, and rather depressing. I began to realize that if it's possible to have a guardian angel, I had one on this trip. The next day, in Indian Brook, there was a book launch for Doug Knockwood's life story. Two of my photographs grace the cover and I desperately wanted to attend. I decided it was much wiser to drive straight through to Dartmouth and get settled in at my friends place, than chance missing the event.
Side Trip into Milford
On route, I passed the turnoff for Milford. In my time residing in that area, I had repeatedly photographed an ancient oak tree, situated on top of Vinegar Hill. I was making good time, so I left the highway and made a beeline to this favourite spot. When I spent time on that hill, peace always enveloped me and once again, I felt surrounded by that calm. My imagination took flight, picturing all the changes, people, weather, animals, this marvelous old growth had witnessed and endured. After I snapped some images, I sat inside the Mini Cooper, delighting in the living canvas before me. The lush green carpet surrounding her weathered trunk, the newly budding leaves adorning her branches, the gray suspended mist hanging over the valley behind her. The tree looked quite delicate but she has no protection stationed on that level platform and I experienced a few of the storms she has survived. She's formidable, she's resilient and I just love her.
Visiting Dote
I decided as I was this close, I'd try and visit some old friends. I hoped that, despite having no warning, I'd be the beneficiary of a warm Nova Scotia reception. I wasn't disappointed. Dote and her sister Barb, attended the small country church I frequented while living there. Both of them welcomed and encouraged me not only as a congregation member, but also as a photographer. Dote was the unofficial church photographer, and quite proficient I must state for the record. I always appreciated her generosity toward me when I showed up with my camera. Unfortunately, Barb was not home, but Dote greeted me with a broad smile and we had a chance to catch up.
Dote and Barb have a delightful yard with flowers, trees, and lots of bird feeders. As I headed back to my car for the final stretch of my journey that day, one the the blossoms caught my eye. In full bloom, adorned with small water droplets from the heavy rain, it looked flawless.
Arriving at Home Base in Dartmouth
When I first announced this trip, John (an old friend from my days as artistic director in Leduc), contacted me and generously offered accommodation. When I arrived at his house, he explained that the top floor was all mine and gave me a tour. John has a great space in the basement with everything anyone could desire, including lots of storage for his marvelous Star Trek collection. With the set up at his house, it was unlikely we'd trip over each other. I was incredibly grateful each day, to return to this safe haven for the duration of my stay. Thanks John.